I want my GYM membership!

Hola bonitas! Today is a bit of a cloudy day but my gym membership is still good for a day or two more so I’m going to kick my butt to the gym in a bit. Just wanted to update you with yesterday’s eats first, so here goes!

Breakfast: soy yoghurt, whole grain flakes, 1/2 banana, 1 nectarine

Breakfast: soy yoghurt, whole grain flakes, 1/2 banana, 1 nectarine

Continuing with my France-eats-recreations. Or whatever you wanna call it. Banana, flakes and yoghurt is such a simple yet lovely combo!

After breakfast I went to the gym and worked out for a little over an hour. I did a little less than 40 minutes on the treadmill, mostly running at a slight incline, about 6 k total and 600 kcal burned! Felt awesome. Then I focused on my legs and did some various leg exercises, felt the burn. Also did some stomach crunches and topped it off with 100 crunches when I got home. I was pretty good about going to the gym last week, I went for a little over an hour four times last week and ran longer and harder than before on the treadmill! It’s really going to suck when I don’t have a gym card anymore.

Lunch: tofu wrap and apple

Lunch: tofu wrap and apple

After showering I made some lunch, my usual tofu wrap and an apple hit the spot. Then I headed over to my moms work with my bike (with the flat front tire) so that she could bring it to the repair place. The guy was awesome and fixed it right away so my mom biked it back to work and then called me and had me come and meet her so I could bike it home since she had her own bike at work.

Dinner. Huge salad: lettuce, cucumber, 1/2 tomato, steamed broccoli, veggie burger and spicy organic salsa.

Dinner. Huge salad: lettuce, cucumber, 1/2 tomato, steamed broccoli, carrot, veggie burger and spicy organic salsa.

After enjoying some internet and doing a bit of work for the upcoming issue of the magazine I work for (prepping a fashion page and an interview I’m doing tomorrow). I made dinner. It was a while since I had my “usual” huge salad with a veggie burger in it, I almost forgot how good this is. Instead of having my homemade mango salsa on it I had some store bought organic salsa that’s kind of spicy, it tasted good though!

A few hours later I was feeling munchy so I had some seedless watermelon and an apple (not pictured, sorry!) and then my sister’s best friend came over to sleep over and I made vegan scones for them. They whipped up a fruit salad so I had some coconut yoghurt (dairy) with a tablespoon of raspberries and blueberries and one of my scones on the side that I dipped in the yoghurt (dipping bread in yoghurt is THE best!!) while watching a bit of “Walk the line”. I completely forgot to take a photo, plus my sister’s friend was here so I wasn’t comfortable taking a photo anyway.

In other news: Say What You Need To Say is having a blogiversary giveaway! Go check it out!

Hope you had a nice and relaxed Sunday and that your Monday is fabulous! And thanks so much to everyone that has left comments to my last couple of posts, I love you guys! I’ve been trying to stop by your blogs and comment back but some of you have special preferences on your comments so I can’t put in my name/url. :(